
Monday, November 19, 2012

Tough it out

Hey Ya'll!!!

Sooo as you guys know I'm natural. I have been natural since November of 2010. I've had 2 big chops, breakage, growth, the whole nine yards but there is one thing I can't live without....MY WEAVE! I love weave whether it be in a ponytail, sew in, braids, etc. I love being able to switch up my look. Although, weave is great and so versatile it is putting a hurting on some parts of my hair. My hair grows a lot with weave but I have sensitive edges so weave and my edges do not mix well. After taking out my last sew-in I have noticed that my edges were thinner than usual O_o. Not a good look. So, I have came to the conclusion that I will stop wearing weave until the spring of 2013! OMG this challenge is more challenging than my weight loss one LoL. I don't know how I'm going to do this but I have too. I have to get my hair back on its healthy path. So, continue to check my blog for hair updates as I go weaveless for a couple of months!


  1. OMGGGGGGGG u and me both!! My goal was to reach BSL...I have reached that and I still can't let go of the weave!! Have u tried u part wigs?

    1. Girl I'm far from BSL!! LoL. I have never tried the u part wigs. Maybe I need to look into them?
