
Monday, January 25, 2016

Ryla's 5 month update

Hey Ya’ll!

I hope all is well with everybody! In Virginia we just had a major blizzard so Ryla experienced her first snow! I’ve been stuck in the house since Friday but now everything is melting and starting to get back to normal. I loved every minute of being snowed in with my family but I’m glad we are able to leave the house now. Overall, everything is going great with me.

This is Ryla’s 5 month update! Can yall believe it?!? I’ll probably say that each month “Can yall believe it” lol. She is really growing and becoming her own. She drools like crazy and wants to chew on everything, she has discovered her feet, can flip on her side, can recognize you calling her name, can sit up by herself, recognizes her bottle (she goes crazy when she sees it) and almost got holding her bottle down pact. She has mastered the art of whining and screaming lol and she absolutely loves to eat

It’s amazing to see her develop her own personality. Ryla is pretty much chill but like I stated before when she gets sleepy or hungry prepare for the whining and screaming! She doesn’t go back to the doctor until March but I’m sure she’s more than 14 pounds now and she is so long. Her 3-6 month clothes are getting so snug so I’m now starting to buy her 9 and 12 month clothes so they can last her through the spring and summer. She drinks 5 ounces about every 4 hours and she loves sweet potatoes (like mommy), bananas, and green beans. Since switching to soy milk she wakes up once a night for a feeding but goes right back to sleep after burping. Her laugh is the cutest thing and she loves to smile to show off her dimples. She is definitely a daddy’s girl because she gets so excited when she sees her father by kicking, smiling, and laughing

Her hair is growing like crazy. I wash her hair once a week with the aveeno hair and body wash and I use coconut oil (I literally drown her hair with that stuff…love it) and the baby shea moisture hair cream. She does have a case of eczema. The outbreak is mostly on her arms so I rub her whole body down twice a day with the aquaphor baby cream and bathe her every other day.

This pretty much sums up baby Ryla’s 5 month update! Stay tuned for more blog posts and “The Andersons Plus” vlog coming soon to YouTube!  

chunky thighs

She loves this toy

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Ryla girl 3-4 month update

Hey  Ya’ll!!



Long time no talk! Hopefully everybody holidays were great. Mine were awesome! I’m here today for a baby update..yayyy!!! This is Ryla girl 3 and 4 month update. Ya’ll when she turned 3 months it just flew by and the next thing I know she turning 4 months. She is growing so fast and is changing by the day.

At her 4 month appointment Ryla weighed 13.1 pounds and was 24 inches long. She can still get into 3-6 months clothes but she wears 6 months and size 1 or 3-6 month shoes. She is now on soy milk and drinks 4-5 oz every 3-4 hours and sleeps through the night.

Some milestones she has reached is that when she’s on her back she can turn to her side and halfway on her stomach. She hasn’t fully mastered the whole back to stomach situation but I’m sure in a couple of weeks she’ll be there. During feedings she grabs for the bottle to hold it and she loves to rub my face while I’m feeding her. She can talk all day if she wanted too but she loves to coo and laugh. She recognizes sounds and faces.  When she sees her dad she just lights up, she starts smiling and kicking her feet so she is definitely a daddy’s girl. She loves to kick and pushes off on things with her feet. She has great neck and head control and can lift and keep her head up while on her stomach. She can sit up by herself for a couple of seconds and if you’re holding her she pushes herself up so she can sit up…she nosey yall!

At her 4 month appointment we got the ok to start feeding her stage 1 baby food fruits and veggies. We started with apples and came to realize she’s not about that apple life. She doesn’t like them. So I mushed up some banana and she loved it so we starting off with bananas then after 3 days we’ll introduce another fruit or vegetable. Our method is introducing a new fruit or veggie every 3 days. My plan is to make her baby food but we’ll see how long that lasts!

Lastly, Ryla experienced her first real cold and stomach virus (then I got her stomach virus smh which was the absolute worst). This all started after her 4 month vaccinations. First was the 24 hour stomach virus where she wasn’t holding any formula down and was sleeping all day. After calling my friend who is a new mother, calling the on call doctor, and taking her to the doctor she got diagnosed with the stomach virus. We kept her hydrated with pedialyte and slowly introduced her back to formula while decreasing the pedialyte until she was back to her 4 oz of formula. After the stomach virus she got a cold. She never had a fever but had congestion and a terrible cough. The cough has finally eased up and she is finally coming back to her normal, unbothered self!

It’s so great to see Ryla’s personality come through. She is a very chill, unbothered baby until she gets hungry or sleepy then another Ryla comes out lol. It’s so exciting to see her grow and change so we can’t wait to see what the future months have in store!