
Thursday, June 25, 2015

30 week pregnancy update

Hey Ya'll!!!

At 30 weeks, 1 day Ryla is still growing at a steady pace. At my recent doctor’s appointment she measured what she was supposed to be at 30 weeks. Her movements are all day, every day and they are starting to hurt. I don’t know what part of her body is in my ribs but when she’s there it hurts but as long as she’s comfortable I’m good. I just have to tough it out and suck it up!

I'm doing pretty good. At my 30 week prenatal appointment I learned I've gained 35 pounds so far. I try not to let the weight gain bother me because it’s expected but I never predicted I’ll be at 35 pounds weight gain with 9 more weeks to go but it is what it is. I am going to start cutting back on my sweets because my sweets game is serious! Ice cream, cake, cookies, Starbucks frapps, anything with lots of sugar I’m all for it but I seriously need to stop lol. My prenantal appointments are every two weeks then will get weekly starting at 36 weeks. Doctors’ orders are for me to cut back on my sugar intake and to stay off my feet as much as possible. I’m required to prop my feet up for at least 20 minutes every day after work.

I do want to share that about two weeks ago I had a pregnancy meltdown. Around midnight on a Saturday I just started crying out of nowhere. My feet were hurting so bad and were so swollen, I was tired, Ryla was in my ribs being unbothered and I just had enough. I was officially tired of being pregnant! I was just crying and crying and every time I looked at my feet I would just cry more. Then I started crying more because I felt like I was being selfish. I’m pregnant with a beautiful blessing inside me when there are people out there who can’t even conceive or carry a baby full term so who am I to complain and cry. My meltdown lasted about an hour then I finally stopped crying and went to sleep. I don’t even think Ryan knew what was going on because he was sleep upstairs and I really didn’t want to be bothered by him anyway lol! I’m much better now. I guess the hormones took over and I just broke down.


Fatigue – I’m tired yall! Point, blank, period.

My poor feet – My feet are still swollen. Like extra swollen. It’s ridiculous. I can’t fit any of my cute shoes. I can only fit about 2 pairs of my sandals so I just rotate them. I think I may have to start wearing flip flops to work with not a care in the world because my feet freaking hurt!

Heartburn – The heartburn is real but it isn’t like extra bad if that makes sense. It’s frequent but it’s not to the point where I need Tums.

I only have 9 weeks, 6 days to go! My excitement builds higher and higher as the days go by. Ryla’s bow game is serious so I absolutely cannot wait to dress her up in cute girly clothes and put oversized bows on her head! Andddd I still have a bow addiction and it’s to the point where I’m buying bows on a weekly basis :)

Stay tuned for more pregnancy updates :)

29 weeks, 5 days

Thursday, June 11, 2015

28 week pregnancy update

Hey Ya'll!

27 week belly

At 28 weeks, 2 days Ryla is growing at a steady pace. At my recent doctors appointment she measured what she was supposed to be at 28 weeks and she is no longer breeched...yayyyy!!! She is starting to move a lot more and I just love feeling her movements. My doctor said she is a healthy baby and is on track with her growth!

I'm doing pretty good. At my last doctors appointment along with Ryla I am experiencing a healthy pregnancy. All my blood work and tests have came back good, I've gained 30 pounds so far (not too happy about that because Ryla got me addicted to sweets but ah well), and I did take my glucose test the other day so I'm just waiting for my results. As I enter my third trimester I have noticed that I'm starting to feel fatigue again. Something as walking up the steps has me like extra tired. I just take things as they come day by day. I try not to complain because I know it's all part of being pregnant but pregnancy symptoms can be rough.

My main symptoms are fatigue and my feet being extra swollen. Like I said before I'm extra tired all the time. When I get home from work all I feel like doing is sitting down and propping my feet up. My feet being swollen is the absolute worse. They are so swollen that they ache throughout the day. I can't fit any of my shoes so thank God I'm pregnant in the summer time where I can wear sandals because if I had to wear regular shoes I don't know what I'll do. My feet ache so bad that sometimes I have to wear sneakers to work just so I can be comfortable. I work in Corporate America so sneakers are a no-no but I consider myself an exception to that rule for now :) 

I still have restless leg syndrome and it only affects me at night. It's to the point where I just deal with it because there is really nothing I can do about it. When my legs get numb at night I just lay on the other side, when that side gets numb I flip over again lol. 
I haven't experienced a lot of heartburn lately. It comes and goes. It doesn't really bother me so when it comes I don't take any meds. I just deal with it as it comes. 
I only have  11 weeks, 5 days to go! As the days go by my husband and I get more and more anxious to finally meet our baby girl. I absolutely cannot wait to dress her up in cute girly clothes and put oversized bows on her head! About the bows, I seriously have an addiction, I can't stop ordering them!

The baby shower planning is going well and her nursery is almost done. I cannot wait to show you all the nursery!

Stay tuned for more pregnancy updates :)

27 weeks, 5 days