
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

-10 pound weight loss challenge

Hey Ya’ll!!!

As my wedding day is quickly approaching the one thing that always comes to my mind is my weight. I have been battling with my weight since the 8th grade. I’ve come a long way but I’m still not where I want to be. I am currently a size 14 but my ideal pants size is a comfortable size 12. I want to fit a non-stretch size 12 pair of jeans with no problem LoL since all of my size 12 jeans have major stretch in them! So, today, September 18th (Happy Birthday Daddy!!!), marks day 1 of my weight loss challenge. My goal is to lose 10 pounds by October 31st! My fiancé jumped on board with me so we are on this challenge together. He is also on his own weight loss journey and week by week I can tell that he is losing weight so he is my motivation. We both will never be skinny (we don’t want to be) and although we don’t have any health issues we just want to be healthier. We both plan to be around for a long time and being healthy plays a major part in that. Also, as I see celebrities and other people (who do it the old fashioned way) losing weight it just motivates me more to do it. Look at Jennifer Hudson and Jordan Sparks for example. They both look amazing!!! I don’t want to be as skinny as they are but their weight loss just motivates me to do it more! This challenge is going to be a difficult one but I’m sure I can meet my goal.

Keep checking my blog for weight loss updates and pics!!!!


  1. I am on the same board!!! I want to be healthier and looking at my old pics I would like to get back down to a 12 myself. I just started back working out and eating right 2 weeks ago. Hopefully I can see a difference by the time my wedding comes around in 6 months.

    1. Well its good to know I'm not on this weight loss journey alone! If you stick with it im sure you will see results. We both shall see our results in the end! Good luck and stay motivated!
