
Monday, February 17, 2014

Every day is the 14th!

Hey Ya’ll! 

Is love still in the air??? Well it is here at the Anderson household but Happy Belated Valentine’s Day! 

Valentine’s Day is a day some people dread and others love to love. When I was single V-Day never affected me but of course it was even more special when I had a significant other in my life and it's even better since I'm married. Even though Valentine’s Day is every day (Every day is the 14th according to OutKast lol…Love that song!) my husband still goes out his way to make it even more special. 

This year we kept it kind of low key but intimate. Ryan got me a lovely card, balloons, roses, and this Nike hoodie I wanted lol. Saturday, we went to Williamsburg and ate at Captain Georges which was flame! Then we came back home and cuddled the night away. It’s always great to be in the arms of the one you love. 

Enjoy the pics and I hope ya’ll Valentine’s Day was as lovely and full with love as mine!


  1. you're beautiful! Love the pants and shoes!
