
Sunday, April 19, 2015

20 week pregnancy update

Hey Ya'll!!!

19 weeks, 4 days

Baby Rynica is doing great! She is currently 12 ounces and is a busy body. During the gender reveal ultrasound she was moving around like a wild woman. It was so weird seeing her punching me then actually feeling it lol. The tech was like oh my she is really punching and kicking in there because she was feeling the movements as she was doing my ultrasound but it was so cute!

I am doing great. As of April 15th I was 20 weeks 1 day and gained 12 pounds so far (as I type this I am 20 weeks, 5 days). I crave all things sweet and when I have a craving I have to have it then after I eat it I’m so satisfied. It’s an indescribable feeling lol. Overall, I'm doing pretty darn good.

Still no morning sickness, still have shortness of breath, I get dizzy sometimes if I stand for long periods of time, saliva built-up is at an all time high, when I lay down for a long period my legs go numb and I get cramps, and I haven’t gotten headaches in a while. New symptoms I’ve experienced are round ligament pain, feet getting swollen,  and increased trips to the restroom. That round ligament pain is no joke. It’s just a lot of pressure down under and it usually comes if I sit or lay down for a long period of time. I guess it’s good pain because it means my uterus is getting bigger and the baby is growing.  

If I'm on my feet for a long time my feet start to ache and swell but I just have to deal with it because that just comes along with pregnancy. 

The restroom trips...omg!!! I think swallowing my saliva makes me go to the bathroom! The restroom trips have increased tremendously. I could use the restroom then as soon as I sit down I have to go again. I'm like ugh but I wouldn't trade it for the world. The baby could sit on my uterus all day, as long as she's healthy and growing then I'm good. 

In the bathroom lol

On my last doctor visit I had my anatomy scan. The baby is doing fine and I’m doing fine but I do have a mild case of Placenta Previa. I haven’t been diagnosed with it yet because my doctor is hoping my placenta moves. Basically, Placenta Previa is when the placenta is positioned directly over the cervix. The cervix is where the baby comes down for delivery but if the placenta is blocking it there is nowhere for the baby to go so I would have to have a c-section. Placenta Previa can be mild to serious and more than likely it would require me to be on bed rest and have a scheduled c-section. I have another ultrasound in 4 weeks so I pray that the baby pushes that placenta right on out the way as she continues to grow. My doctor said more than likely the placenta should move so we just going to pray and wait to see what the ultrasound reveals in 4 weeks.

My baby bump has grown even more! Everybody that sees me can’t believe I’m almost 6 months because my belly is “small” but I feel huge. I get so many compliments that I’m carrying the baby well so I’ll take it :)

19 weeks, 5 days. Easter Sunday


The gender has been revealed!!! It is a girl so go ahead and read the post before this one where I talked about the gender reveal. The baby shower is the next event to plan and I’m so excited about it. Even though it’s not until August the planning begins now since we all know the gender.

That about wraps up my pregnancy update. Stay tuned for more!

20 weeks, 4 days

Baby Rynica is a .......................

Hey Ya’ll!!!

20 weeks, 3 days

Let’s get right to it…. Baby Rynica is a GIRL!!!!!!!!! Yayyyyyyyyyy!!!!!

I don’t think ya’ll understand the excitement I had in that ultrasound room. I had a feeling it was a girl but that boy was also in the back of my mind. My poor husband smh was a little upset and I wasn’t mad at him for getting upset because it’s natural. Typically a male wants his first born to be a son but not in this case….hahahaha! Ryan quickly got over it and can’t wait to meet his little princess!

Ryla saying everything is ok in there

We do have a name picked out. Her name is Ryla (Rye-La) Ann Anderson. Ryan wanted baby Rynica name to start with Ry so that’s how Ryla came about. My mother in law passed away back in 2007 and Ann was her middle name. Then Anderson of course is our last name lol. I’m so in love with the name!

To announce the gender Ryan and I did the whole gender reveal thing. It was at my parents’ house and it was just family and close friends there. We did the balloon idea and it was a hit! Everybody wanted us to have a girl so when the pink balloons came out everybody was so excited. It was a great night and I had my poor swollen feet to show for it. Later on that night I guess Ryla was excited too because she was kicking me so hard I could see my stomach move from the cute!

Also, shoutout to Kalyn's Kupcakes!!!!! She did an amazing job on the cake and cupcakes. They were so good. My family loved them :) Hit her up on facebook: Kalyn's Kupcakes

So yes we are expecting a precious girl!!!!! ~*~Princess Ryla~*~